


Is it right to sleep a saturday away... oh yeah. THe stagette was all I hoped it was. Good times, fun people and some bizarre shots that were handled quite well by the bride. Shareen you never cease to amaze me! Well that led to me going to bed a little later than ususal. I woke up at 8:30am by my phone letting me know some crazy was awake already with music trivia which I will never be able to get without google. So I got up and went to work and promptly went home and back to bed until i met the family for a early lunch late breakfast thing at the Guesthouse. Excellent buffet by the way. Then back home were JEss and I continue to indulge our weakness for Grey's anatomy and i don't regret it. And back to bed until now when I got a starbucks coffee, downed it and am still yawning. Yep I think I will have to hit the sack for the night pretty soon. Love it.
Hey Amber great suggestion with KT Tunstall. I absolutley adore her she is fantastic.


Stagette this...

Its true folks, the wedding season is upon us. Already I have recieved and to my credit have RSVP'd for numerous joyous occasions where I have the honor of witnessing the "I do's" of husband and wife. Really incrediable that two people have commited themselves to each other and thus say goodbye to the world of endless people and bizarre relationships (not that I have any experience in this regard...). However before this beautiful day no matter the weather, there are important events that must first occur. Yes women of suitable age there are stagette's to be thrown. Now depending on the bride and her tolerance for all things crazy and unexplainable and maybe moreso on the bride's friends dictates, where it is we will celebrate the last days of singleness. Truly this is a phenomenon because just days before the most exciting day of commiting to your lifelong partner we will rebel and enjoy the life we have until now. I hope for the bride's sake that some sort of respect for the future will be upheld but no promises. Shareen this entry is a honorarium of your upcoming staggette this friday. Do I expect the most unusual... heck yeah, and do I expect to have a fun time, oh baby yeah. Let the stagette's begin!


clowns and wanksters

"you gotta stop playing around with all the clowns and the wanksters" ...a good piece of solid advice from slim thug to all of you

  • amber & stephen f
  • chad & sharon l
  • erin t
  • hillary n
  • jan
  • janice v
  • jess t
  • josh l
  • mark w
  • melanee
  • nancy s
  • nicole a
  • richelle t
  • scott t
  • shareen p
  • susan e
  • tavis n