

Blew my theory out of the water...

Thats right, the Tim Hortens on 43rd st ruined my theory, not that I am complaining. A free coffee this morning on a large regular. Maybe its because I bought a muffin as well. Lemon cran, it was okay.
So its 17 degrees, no more rain forcasted for sunday!!! Woohoo that means while I am wrapping up my semester it will be beautiful outside my window. Maybe its time to get the roller blades out!


how's the nacho purse?

that is probably the question not just Nicole is asking... it still smells like Nacho cheese and it I were to touch it, it would probably have dry flakes of nacho cheese falling to the floor from my purse. My new purse.
Its the Nelly Furtado concert. I am loving it. I am a little worried. See Furtado is putting on a show and a half, like straight out of the eighties, at times it was scary how eighties it was but awesome. There was some whoa nelly, her next album (i forget the title) and loose. But.... no maneater. That is why I paid for floor seats. That is why I watched some kid who was high dance with all his passion to Nelly, why I watched some very skinny old guy put on some weird moves on himself, why I saw a very classy lady waving her cell phone for the entire concert although most of the time the light was not on it. This all together made the show VERY entertaining. Finally the encore, she goes classic whoa Nelly! then bam!!! Maneater. I am so excited and we are singing out lungs out... at least I was ;). Then the lights come on and its time to get to the c-train. I pick up my purse, my slimey purse??? I look, awww man I think its ice cream. It dosen't smell like icecream. I find the strap, ewwwwwie! Its covered in nacho cheese (try saying the ch's like they were sh's, b/c thats how I refer to the incident). So I grab what little of the purse is left untainted and make it to the c-train. Thanks to Jess, she had some Dariy Queen napkins i used and left by the heater which made the whole car smell cheesy. Then Nicole had wet naps in her car once we got to chinnook station. Thanks friends and thanks people who like to eat half a nacho platter at a concert!?! Like who is selling and buying nacho's at a concert? Apparently the person who left it under my seat...
I actually thought the whole event was rather hillarious after the substance was identified as nacho cheese. Like has this happened to you ever?


I love the rain the most...

I love Joe Purdy, if you don't know who that it check out some of his tunes including I love the rain the most. Its so great!
Thanks for the get betters and get better tips. I thought about it Nancy and I guess I would rather rub my nose with cotton fibres than wood fibres. However I would way rather rub my nose on no fibres. JUST STOP RUNNING!! haha okay okay I am going overboard. I am actually feeling a bit bettter today so thats good news.
p.s. I am going to Nelly Furtado tonight!!!!!!



I am back on the cold syrup. I sleep absolutley amazingly and I am dead to the world however my alarm woke me up about four hours ago and I am still dead to the world. Sooo I don't know. Its one of those colds that you don't even understand where all the snot may be coming from. Your nose hurts from blowing it too many times. I know it sounds attractive... ask Jess and Mark. I am really sexy when I blow my nose.


A little disappointed...

I got my paper back yesterday... and like the title of this post says I am a little disappointed. I recieved a 78% so a B- . So I have some tweaking to do on my technique!


Wakey Wakey Eggs & Bacee

Good beautiful morning! I would like to announce another free coffee for Chryslyn!! And yes in line with my theory, this coffee was purchased in Calgary last night... I might have been at the Fray concert! So alas I don't know when I will use it, you see honestly I like making my own coffee, I think I am O.D'd on the Tim Hortens and I just want out. But its roll up the Rim and I want to roll all my rrrr's and I want to be at the store to get the fancy cup... I might need help.
The Fray... it was good. Now the band itself and the opener Kyle Riablo (sp?) were terrific. Very talented. Standing for so long with the young'uns was a little annoying. Nobody was really dancing or anything so it was mellow. Mac Hall is the nightmare of my life. Like there is a slight problem when 5 of you are looking for the C-train after a concert only to find yourselves alone on the U of C campus. I asked a random guy for directions and he was the light in our dark dark journey. We found ourselves back to whence we came to Mac Hall and from there got the heck out of Calgary. Got home around 1:45am and got up at 7:30. I don't know my body just woke me up then. So I am not at the U of L library. Good ole U of L, I know my way around and I don't get lost... usually. I am writing a paper. I am actually blogging. Its just that I don't find a 15 pg paper on comparing and contrasting 5 journal articles very exciting. Oh well I have a good start. I am taking the tips from the last paper. Thanks again folks. I haven't got the paper back yet I think tomorrow. :)


Its another fun-day Monday

This is the super positive outlook for this Monday morning. I am in way over my head. Why can't Canada and the US just have the same currency? It would save my brain so much thinking power. And I need all the thinking power I can get!!!
Its supposed to be 14 degrees this afternoon. Lovely.
Large Coffee- no win :(


Tim's + Chryslyn = free coffee

Well I am back and the coffee is hot hot hot! Thats right I found out the secret. Not to be confused with the latest best selling DVD and book "the Secret". I personally do not get the hype about that secret, its not really.
So Taber Tim Hortens, medium regular coffee. Yes! Won a coffee. Then Medicine Hat Tim Hortens, large regular coffee bought with the free coffee. Yes! Another free coffee. This morning free coffee but alas my luck ran out :( and it was a please play again. I sadly admit I did have two chances today to win and both were no goes!

Now this obsession with Tim Horten's is a minor one. I actually had a super weekend (obviously because I won two coffees) in Medicine Hat with some of Tavis's family. I extend my warmest greetings to Laura, Ryan, Caleb, and Chloe who I have not met yet. I hope to someday soon meet ya'll! The Newman's were wonderful and I can't believe how much energy you both have. Especially between Mrs. Newman and Tate hopping along the path during our walk, I think that is why I got so much sleep this weekend. I felt exhausted just watching :)
Tate is absolutley cute and he didn't quite flirt with me like last time I was there. However he did comment that I was a good eater so I will take what I can get ;)


Good News: Just a little abnormal...

You Are 24% Abnormal

You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.

You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

Oeufky Kaboosky

If you don't know who oeufy kaboosky is you probably do but just don't know it. His official name is Rio or roll the r for RRRRRiOOOOOOO! Its quite fun to say. He is so funny. He loves to hide treats in my bag or under my pillow. Like what do I want with a chewed up dog treat but I usually find something bizarre like a bone or raw hide when I go to bed. He also gets super excited when I go to bed, its his favorite. He'll be acting all tired and moppy then I say bed time! He runs to the bedroom waits until I get into bed then he runs around the room jumping on and off the bed. Scratches me, the blankets, goes and rearranges all his treats. Its so funny. So yeah thats my nutso puppy.
I am still house sitting at my parents house. Good times. Sheldon and Rio are both easy to babysit haha so thats been good too.
I am going to Medicine Hat today with Tavis. Its Tavis's dads' Birthday (well it was yesterday) so at games night we all belted out Happy Birthday and Tavis and I will drive up today. They are totally fun so it will be an exciting weekend I presume.
I have not gotten my paper back yet but don't worry it should be marked soon. I am starting another 15pager so good luck to me. Actually ya'll in school are proabably getting busy at this time ( I don't include you Hillary who is actually vactioning in southern alberta at this time ;) )!!
Well thats the update.


Tim's Update

Another coffee, large, regular. Didn't win.


White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino

One of a kind and forward looking, you're the first to introduce a wacky new trend to your friends. And even if your ideas seem weird, they get adopted pretty quickly.

Well I found this quiz on Karen's blog who is a friend of Tavis's. I don't know you Karen but thanks for posting this because I love Starbucks and i think it is healing to know what kind of frappacino i am. p.s. I have never ordered this drink and don't really want too either but its fun times.

blahhh, Monday

Its such a Monday. The only upside is that the girl I work with appears to be having a worse Monday than me so its kinda comical. Poor Girl.
I have just rolled my eyes at the phone everytime it rings. It is not sensing my displeasure however, I keep talking to the same people over and over again, I realize it has been three hours and I don't know anymore now than I did earlier in the day, but alas that is my job. I think its the wind. It blew so hard last night. I woke up every hour and for some insane reason had my alarm set for 6:15am. What possibly do I have to do for two hours before work. I was able to shower, work-out, make coffee, read the paper (which wasn't hard to do because it was quite slim today) and grab another Tim's coffee on the way to work. I didn't win by the way.
Well the week is bound to continue and I will hold on for the ride. Maybe a long lost friend from Toronto will come to visit... or maybe I will spend hours in the University library. Who knows maybe my predictions will come true.


Its windy, its warm, its wonderful, the week is over, the weekend is starting. Woo!!

I didn't even know I like W that much but it works for today.

Thanks for all the advice of my friends about paper writing. Very insightful. Mel I did end up re-writing my kick-ass intro, so maybe I did something right. It concerns me Shareen, that it remind Carlynn of a beautiful mind when you write your papers. You are brilliant though!

Hey I started this an hour ago. ITs almost 5:00!!! Woohoo



Okay I am reaching out for help here. How do YOU start writing papers? I hate it. The resources have been gathered, now for just starting the words... for the love of everything good...I love my chocolate icecream I just bought... the moon is beautiful tonight...should i even buy groceries at walmart...what... am I too distracted? HELP!!!!


My March Music Madness

I know can you believe it?

Two concerts this month. The Fray = March 20
Nelly Furtado = March 27

Perfect really, I couldn't have planned my final exam time any better ;).
Haha totally worth it. And p.s. I only have one final exam so it won't be that bad.



I want to welcome March. I have a good tingly feeling about this month. For who knows what will come of this month but good things and maybe sad things or bad things but I will see them as good. No I don't know what I am saying except that I am glad FebRUary is over and March is here.

  • amber & stephen f
  • chad & sharon l
  • erin t
  • hillary n
  • jan
  • janice v
  • jess t
  • josh l
  • mark w
  • melanee
  • nancy s
  • nicole a
  • richelle t
  • scott t
  • shareen p
  • susan e
  • tavis n