

Ohlalala its almost Reading Week

Its another beautiful week and I am definitley excieted about it. The close it gets to February 17th the more I just can't sit still thinking about Indiana. You can't go wrong with access to cheap propel that is now even calcium enhanced. ITs screaming good flavor and wellness. Yum.
As well it will be great hanging with the siblings (next time Darcen, Susan, and Allison will have to make a road trip... that would be awesome). Probably Stephen and Amber are some of the greatest people ever. Never really know what they will get into next but usually very interesting. Like I am noticing birds that I have never noticed before (maybe not but at least i now have awareness that birds have great potential as a hobbie). And we are hopefully going to see Tristan Prettyman in concernet in Bloomington. I am so excieted!!!!!! I'll keep you updated on various Indidna events as I find them out.
Well I shall however focus on today.... because it does have enough trouble of its own. (like the homework i didn't get to over the weekend)
Take care & love to ya'll.




We all need a venit latte at sometimes in our life. Go check out the cinnamon dulce. Your life will never be the same again.
So I haven't gotten my latte yet but really i should. Nursing has got to be the craziest idea I have ever had. For instance I have now worked on pediatrics, labour & delivery, maternity, and now I am on surgery. This means in about 5 months I have oriented to 4 floors and have learned some fundamentals of being a student nurse. Here is what I have learned
1. Do not trip on IV lines (this results in a lot of yelling and groaning as it pulls out of the arm)
2. Do not quit - everyday is different and you can always learn... did i mention avoinding the IV lines?
3. Some nurses are not nice (just think their life sucks more than yours)
4. Label all containers (this prevents confusion I will leave up to your imagination)
5. Keep your mind focused on the good times and laugh alot!




Well school has officially started since monday. So far so good. I have two nursing classes. One on monday and one on wednesday. Thursday and Friday are clincal days at the hospital. I am really nervous because I am on the medicine surgical floors. It will be pretty fast paced i am guessing.
I always wonder if I am in the right career because I get so nervous when I think of everthing I still don't know. However once I am actually working I love it. From baby deliveries to injections I love being the one there. Only two more years to go. I know it will go by fast because it feels like I just started this program and I am almost 2 years into it.
Well I hope everybody's school and work semesters are going well. Good luck and love to everyone I haven't seen in so long.



let the good times roll
I feel so far quite accomplished for it being only Jan 6 2006 for two reasons. First of all I stumbeled upon a fantastic new music artist Tristan Prettyman while I was trying to find a song. Not only is she 23 (like me) that is the title of her new album... and I love it. She will actually be in Bloomington IN when I am there visiting Stephen and Amber so I'll have to see her live.
Secondly, yesterday bookmarked a new era. Like this winter just may be my season...
You see I was invited to play poker with some friends as a carryover from the night before. The guy (who yes was winning couldn't make it) well somehow mostly luck I guess found me the winner! Like basically i won 20 bucks playing cards. Momentous is all I have to say.
So in these respects and hopefully more, 2006 might just be my year...


arrribbaaa and red locks

Yeah sorry about the dye job. Well who would have thought dark mahgony would be such a fatal rouge. You wear it well Jess. More exciting is the fact that we are going to correct the issue with another home dye job.
Jess I owe you all the hair skills I have. Amber I apologize for the complete disaster I encoured on your head in grade 8. I think dye has come a long way since then :)
If I wasn't a nursing student I would definetly buzz my head and cut hair professionaly.



#1 Stay out of the public eye
#2 Go on a tropical vacation (or settle for Indiana)
#3 Use the F word more... that would be Focus ( thanks Dad for your teachable moments)
#4 Expand the list and don't get screwed over by it (Jess you may be the only one who understands)
#5 Let 2006 be the best year yet!

  • amber & stephen f
  • chad & sharon l
  • erin t
  • hillary n
  • jan
  • janice v
  • jess t
  • josh l
  • mark w
  • melanee
  • nancy s
  • nicole a
  • richelle t
  • scott t
  • shareen p
  • susan e
  • tavis n