

I love Country

Its almost New Years!
I love Country Music
I love Tim Mcgraw, Brad Paisley, Toby Keith, Sugarland, Faith Hill
I don't know when I converted to country
I donated blood yesterday
My finger hurts where they poked it for the iron test
Instead of drinking lots of water i accidently drank LOTS of green tea. It took a long time to donate the blood
I am O Rh -
Hillary is a good friend to me.
I am excited for Chad and Sharon to get married
I feel hungry
I miss Tavis, but he is coming home today
I am going to a surprise party tonight. no details
Its almost 2007


Its a white...

Inbetween Christmas and New Years!!! Beautiful


XMAS 2006Pics

good morning!

Really? Holidays are over...

So whats this? No legs? I mean the holidays are over already? I am not too sure if they began yet!! Oh well I think I am more tired on holidays than normally. I should really post some pictures. Pre-New Year resolution. Post pictures. This is a test.



Ahhh, its finally here and wrapping up. Christmas Day. There was a lot of prep and now time for payoff. My favorite part of the morning is when everyone has just woken up and is congregating around the tree. Coffee and yerba mate is flowing. Everyone is wearing pj's and has bedhead. Yeah I am excited for presents but everyone is just so pumped to give the gifts we found for each other and watch either with anticipation or nervousness at their reaction.
As I drove home I thought about the day and looked at the box of gifts beside me and then at my pillow and blanket in the back seat. I am so glad to go home and have some silent time but I am also content about the time spent with my family. Its seems like we don't often get the chance to all go on a car ride or go for a walk in the river bottom or play a classic game of scattegories. Catch phrase isn't the best family game for us. Love it. Love it alot!
I also miss my friends who are not here... and a special someone who is not here. sigh.
Merry Christmas


Apocalypto Morning!

ummmm, Good morning! Its Christmas Eve morning and that just screams a fun day. Yesterday was not a fun morning. In fact it has been labelled Apocalypto morning.... it started way to early. Sure lets go cross country skiing at 7:30 am after an insane week at work. So I have never x country skiied so i actually am really pumped but i have a cold too. So I drag my ass out of bed and pile up my winter gear which is useless in Lethbridge because it is so warm. And I am off to the parents. The house is dark? Yes but why when we are supposed to be leaving. I let myself in and survey the situation. Dad is sleeping on the couch with Rio. Mom peeks her head out the door and is wondering why i am home. Well we are leaving. Oh yeah right. So she gets ready. I lay down in the dark and all of a sudden just throwup noises from the basement. What on earth? So i check it out and poor shades has the flu and is in no shape to go anywhere. Dad still hasn't moved from the couch. Stephen and Amber arrive and I still don't know what is going on so I decide to try and explain standing in the dark "you've never been so creeped out here in the morning than today". Well I guess that in itself was really creepy so we did the only thing we could do. Amber, Stephen and I went to Tim Hortens, bought coffee and muffins and went back. The lights were on and finally the pieces fell together. Mom thought i thought 7:30 was too early so we talked about leaving at 8 am. Dad and Sheldon are both ill and stayed home to recuperate leaving a happy Rio who could sleep all day with the boys. As for the rest of us, we went to waterton, x countried to cameron lake and enjoyed the beautiful snow and mountains. It was so beautiful! Next time I'll bring a camera.


Hooray its Friday!

its friday the day i never thought would come. the day where i don't have to think about returning to work the next day. the day where i go to a cocktail party at the nickles. the day where tavis goes to saskatchewan :( . the day where the table will die not to return for another year. and the day that started with a weird rash around my eye. medical people i need a diagnosis. i am thinking lack of a good mascara or some rare skin disease. keep ya updated though.


its Table time

yes the infamous table is back at EMF. Yesterday I filled a cart with fine decadent sausages, gourmet cheeses, and only the best of crackers. Juicy oranges, rich chocolates, and plenty of paper products. So it begins. Slicing, dicing, and distrubting.
I kinda look forward to this time but mostly I dread it. Its nice to see all the customers and then thier famalies and then people I probably will not see until next year. I guess this table is marker than Christmas is so near!


This is December?

Well as far as I am concerned this is the craziest December ever! Yesterday I washed my car in a t-shirt and capris! Its just crazy really.


Last Friday

Don't get me wrong I really liked being in Taber for clinical but today.... today is the last friday I have to be there. Its true I need to do two make up days monday and tuesday but the end is so near!!!!
p.s. when eating the ICE platter and wondering how you will feel the next morning let the fact that you are eating deep fried mac&cheese really sink in. Even strongbow on tap does nothing for the GI tract. Its a tough morning.



I like my smell today. I took the golden apple oil made to put in an oil burner and poured it on my sweater. All day today I would inhale deeply and say boy I like how I smell. Now if i can notice it all day I have no clue what other people think and since no one has said anything I can imagine that the smell may be overwhelming and there is no courteous way to tell me. ummm I smell good.
In other important news I learned that Brittney spears asked K-Fed for a divorce through a text message. THis makes me really wonder about our culture.
Yahoo released the top searches for 2006. Canada's #1 was hockey, the U.S's #1 was Brittney Spears. I am so proud to be Canadian despite the irrelevant fact on the divorce i gave you.
Well this is me after three full days of working. I think I may need more variety in my life. Its like I have sat in front of a computer on average 7hours/day for the last three days. I think overstimulation or too many spreadsheets (which I adore) is having an impact on my mental health.
I am going to the tongue and groove tonight I think.


Easy Enough

Okay so yesterday's clinical was cancelled due to poor driving conditions. Since I already ate breakfast (to avoid passing out later) and had enough coffee to fuel an elephant I thought oh great now what will i do? So I got out a book I am borrowing from Tavis called ...(I forget the title mostly) Vinyl Cafe. Canadian author who writes short stories. So good and so funny. Well it is now 7 am and all my ambition is fading. I fell asleep and aroused about 4 hours later and who knows how many repeats of David Gray. It felt great. Cleaned the house, went to the mall, freaked out by shear amount of gifts i haven't purchased, visited mom at EMF, declined offer to work for her, made cookies with Rio, wrote christmas cards and watched Dr. Phil simutaneously. Brilliant day I am just hoping now that I drank more coffee, clinical won't be cancelled today.
P.S. is Dr. Phil losing his edge?

  • amber & stephen f
  • chad & sharon l
  • erin t
  • hillary n
  • jan
  • janice v
  • jess t
  • josh l
  • mark w
  • melanee
  • nancy s
  • nicole a
  • richelle t
  • scott t
  • shareen p
  • susan e
  • tavis n