


Hooray. Already I am done my nursing class for the semester. crazy!! Now I only have clinical left for this week and next week except next week i will be going four days instead of two days. I can't believe it. I am excited though because christmas is coming. Sarah Mclaughlin says so in a beautiful way :)
So I need to work and then do some shopping!!!!!


Come Home!!!!

Okay everyone who last commented; Susan, Hillary, Nancy, and Nicole!!! Where are you why do you live all over Canada. Actuall literally from the coast of B.C., northern Alberta and Calgary, to Toronto. Please come home for the holidays!! I miss all of you and yes I should do a round about trip to see everyone. Its my dream. Don't worry. Susan I picture us riding some water slides in Edmonton and drinking some homemade caremal macchiato's. Hillary I see us walking all around Toronto saying no to drugs and yes to coffee and movies. Nancy we are off to the beach in the snow. Maybe we will offer some homeless people a ride somewhere and play guitar for them. Or else find a lot of pop cans. And Nicole well you are only two hours away and we have had some good times. We are driving your car pumping the music we love and just having a good time. Love ya'll and have a great week!!!!!


Bah haha

I am trying to laugh instead of cry. Why the snow? The blowing wind. According to a stats major Lethbridge is 50xs windier than Chicago. I am not surprised by this information at all.


Readers Respond...

Good responses to the last blog. I have read redeeming love and its a definitley a favorite. I also have read Kite ruuner and i absolutley love it. Judging by the suggestions I have friends with great taste! Someone came over last night with a gift for me and guess what it was???? It's blue like jazz. So far its very interesting and I have heard great things about it. Also my mom lent me laying my Isaac down. The author is speaking at our women's xmas banquet at church. So after such a blog I am overwhelmed with the response and fate of recieving some great books. haha.


Grey cup

The Grey Cup is not for me. This is not jsut becuase no one invited me to a grey cup party but purely I have very neutral or slightly negative feelings for it. So I hope that everyone who watched had a super time and for those that didn't that they had a super duper time.
I was writing a group paper at this time. There is probably nothing more frusterating than doing this. Thankfully though we all had a sense of humor and could laugh at stupid ideas we had. However no one is listening and no one knows what to type and we are all getting sick on peanut M&M's. That was my fault though because I bought a BIG bag. Anyway we got a good four pages down with lots of discussion in 3 and a half hours. Not too bad :>
On a compleley different subject. I am loving the Gwen Stefani song wind it up!! Who thought yoddling was so awesome? The Jojo song too little too late makes me really sad so I don't listen to it. I love Maneater by Nelly Furtado. Well thats that. I need some great book ideas so if you have read a good book let me know.


Public Annoucement

Well in the spirit of doing new things this is totally new. I am posting a blog about a date I haven't even been on yet. Tonight its dinner and a movie. The reason for this is unknown to me at this time. If anybody feels like psychoanalyzing this go for it.
Am I nervous? Not really. Am I excited? Yes.


Bannana & Peanut Butter

Just try it....


the things you learn...

Today has totally been a day of higher learning for me. Not only did I find out that Spears and K-Fed have split, the actor who plays Doogie Howser has come out and is in his words "a content gay man" and Mischa Barton is a spokesperson for body image. Now if you have read your MSN news today you would have learned the same thing and this would just be a boring repetition of an already boring subject ;)
Now more interesting things are personally happening. Tomorrow at about 5:30am you will find my mother, Rio my dog, and myself at the Tim Hortens on 43rd street. We are all fueling up on caffiene or steamed milk (my moms favorite)to make the 14 hour drive to Steinbach Manitoba... apparently "its worth the trip". I have not been to Steinbach in a couple years so it will be somewhat exciting and terrifying seeing every extended family member who lives in southern mannitoba in three days but I think i am up for the challenge. The reason for the trip is my great aunt's funeral. She passed away on monday. For sure it is sad but it she lived a long life into her 90's and has been sick for the last while.
Finally while on the subject of random fascination, I recieved my flu shot today. I have to get one to work in the hospital. Naturally I didn't react well and by the time I got home I was sick and tired. So I slept... and slept through the alarm... and got to class an hour late. Good thing it is a 3 hour seminar class. I said nothing for the remaining two hours. I feel better now.


Blunt was a sure thing.... so was Annie

So James blunt was fabulous for sure! I was definitley excited however we all know Back to Bedlam is not the most upbeat thing in the world. James is quite talented live and he interacted alot with the audience including jumping off the stage and giving the hugest hugs ever to people in the front row. The weekend was great too. Jess and I had a sweet trip up to Calgary that was awesome and lots of fun ;)
Nicole is the hostess with the mostest and treated us great. So in all from James to Friends to Market Mall I had a blast.
I rushed home on saturday so i could take a quick nap and then see Annie. The production was so good!!!! Of course going with Cheryl Allison and my Mom always make it a great time too. I must say though between Allison and me there can be huge discrepencies to who was actually in the play and what was going on. Just love Bundles. We both can agree on that. Esquires had a killer chai latte as well.
Ok well me and Sarah Harmer have a date in my basement apartment ;)
Take care and luv!!!!



Woo I am super excited! On friday is the James Blunt concert in Calgary. I am expecting alot of pot smoking fans and I better not be dissapointed :)
Then on Saturday is the Annie musical in Lethbridge. So I think this weekend will make up for my lack of a halloween. Totally had a costume and everything and I ended up working on a poster until midnight and at the point the Colbert report was the only thing that could keep me alive. And it was a good show!!
Well take care.

  • amber & stephen f
  • chad & sharon l
  • erin t
  • hillary n
  • jan
  • janice v
  • jess t
  • josh l
  • mark w
  • melanee
  • nancy s
  • nicole a
  • richelle t
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