

A wee reflection

Its a beautiful rainy day in Lethbridge Alberta. Its a good day to be wearing pjs and a hoodie, reading a book and waiting for your roomate to come home and watch a movie. Absolutley wonderful. I think the rainy days are meant to be enjoyed like the sunny days. As long as they don't get you too down.
There is a quote that I have been trying to apply to my life. "Take the power to love what you want and love it honestly." Isn't that just amazing? Sometimes I think I love something but I don't take time to consider it because I may realize it is not as lovely as I was hoping. This really can apply to different things. However this year I applied this to nursing. It was hard and often I wanted to just give up. Yet I know this is what I want and I want to know myself and help other people. I love nursing and the life God has given me. Sometimes its really hard and sometimes I want to give up. When I honestly look at it though I can't help but see beauty, creativity, and absolute wonder! Its unbelievable. Take time to consider what Is absolutley beautiful about yourself or something you love.


Finito Bonito

In my language finito bonito means done and done! Well I wrote me one and only final this morning for nursing. It was the typical multiple choice disaster they usually are. After that I picked up my portfolio, had a clinical evaluation from my instructor and finally attended the nursing degree program meeting. At 12:30 I walked out of the college and met Jay at seven 11 for a celebratory slurpee or in my case the new diet cherry vanilla coke. It was alright... :)
So now its time to rest, rollerblade, and register for next year! I can't believe that the semester is over and it ended so well. My last day of clinical was so rad. I got to do everything from cutting someone's shirt off, to getting someone's oxygen increased from a very low amount to normal and catherterizing my first patient. Don't ask how that went if you don't want to know! It was so great and my instructor and nurses were so fantastic. It makes me feel more confident for the remaining two years.
I hope that everyone gets through exams successfully and has a great summer. Love always...


Final Days

Well its my last two days of clinical today and tomorrow. I can't believe the semester is over. Only one more final exam on monday and than thats all she wrote for year two of nursing. I can see I have learned so much however I still feel like I don't know a lot. I think though I will always feel like that because there is always new things to learn no matter what level of practice you are at.
Thanks to everyone who has supported and prayed for me. It really kept me going.. Take care and chao for now.


the GOOD Friday

Hey everyone, first this really deserves an explaination for my long absence. Well it started with a string of assignments which included papers and portfolio's which took up many waking moments. Maybe spending a little more time with a cute litte something... and having melt downs along the way. Gotta love mothers who tell you I need more sleep and let you cry on their shoulders. :)
Well now that I have one week of school left and one final exam I can take a deep breath this morning and enjoy the people around me and my new house. I love it so much, mostly because Jess lives here to and I love her to bits. Jess you rock my face off! Jordon brought the new Hillsong United CD and I love #5 its so good and I sing it all day in my head. Jay what can I say, without you and Arrested Development I would probably not laugh and survive through the semester ;)
Stephen I definitley have been working on a song for garage band, its almost recordable... almost. We defintiley need some studio time when you come in June.... I can't wait however you have Paris to look forward too first. Love it!
Well take care all my friends and family. Thats what I have been doing these days and I look forward to rejoining society.
p.s. Yes Nicole its sleepover time tonight!! Get ready for some good times.

  • amber & stephen f
  • chad & sharon l
  • erin t
  • hillary n
  • jan
  • janice v
  • jess t
  • josh l
  • mark w
  • melanee
  • nancy s
  • nicole a
  • richelle t
  • scott t
  • shareen p
  • susan e
  • tavis n